Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hiding any files inside a picture, using WinRar.

Step 1: Take the picture and the files you wish to hide inside it. (I will be saving secret.txt and secret.mp3 inside Picture.png)

Step 2: Move the secret files inside a folder.(Here folder named secret)

Step 3: Convert the secret folder to .rar

it will look like this.

Step 4: Open Command Prompt, and change the directory to the folder you have your files in.(Here that will be, to the folder with Picture.png and secret .rar)

Step 5: Write as follows. (Here the name of the new file will be picturewithfiles.png)

If you do it right, you will get a screen similar to this.

And you will also get an image with the name, here, picturewithfiles.png

The size of the new picture will obviously increase, anyway you can always compress the files while creating secret.rar in case you don't want to increase the size of the picture so much.

To retrieve the files from picture. Open WinRar, Click File>Open Archive (or shortcut key Ctrl+O).
Change the target from 'All Archives' to 'All Files'.

And select the picture where you have hidden the files.

This is the file you have rar-ed. You can extract this.

Note: There will be no change in the initial picture, other than increase in its size. Here is the screenshot of the pic being used

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